Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

LEAF Education

Donativo protegido
My name is Lea and I am Fundraising for my project called LEAF Education. LEAF Education is a project designed to provide online environmental education for teenagers in disadvantaged communities around the world. Environmental education in many countries around the world is not a main priority in the educational curriculum, and even when there is action toward environmental education, there are still communities that are left out of the conversation. LEAF Education is a project that aims to reduce this issue by providing free online education to teenagers as part of these types of communities. The idea of the project is to approach as many people around the world as possible and do so the course will be organized in two countries at the same time, each country working with a different team of people from the LEAF education project.
Furthermore, as the organization grows, the countries in which the course is given will also change. For the first time as an active educational organization, LEAF education will aim to work with 2 countries which will be Jamaica and Ghana, specifically targeting teenagers between 12-17 years old from disadvantaged communities in those countries. The LEAF education project’s curriculum will be focused on the needs of the specific target countries, meaning, the course will approach environmental issues globally but will also put focus on the local environmental contexts based on the principle of thinking globally is acting locally.

This project is part of The Changemaker Project :


  • AnnaLise Hoopes
    • kr1,655
    • 2 yrs
  • Osvaldo Mafuana
    • kr1,000
    • 2 yrs
  • AnnaLise Hoopes
    • kr511
    • 2 yrs
  • Daniel Toa-kwapong
    • kr500
    • 2 yrs
  • AnnaLise Hoopes
    • kr4,084
    • 2 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Lea Komba
Flekke, 14
Inga Serup
Team member

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