Leap of Dance Academy - Dance in the rain
The overwhelming responds from each of you who have seen the passion and talent shown by dancer, Anthony of Leap of Dance Academy dancing in the raining has been amazing.
We thank you in advance for your support & donation.
FACTS ABOUT Leap of Dance Academy PROGRAM.
Our kids are beautiful!
That's true and we bet a whole lot wouldn't know that every child in our academy takes free dance classes. Tuition free , costumes and several other benefits that comes with them training under our tutelage. Training our kids in these times' is a huge task but we keep up and on because these kids deserve more and the opportunity to love dance and follow passion and of cause be included in an arts that seems to be dominated by kids of higher class. We believe so much in their future that's why we train them with such amiable high standards. Slide into our DMs for more information.
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