In memory of Donovan Williams
In memory of Donovan “Dono” Williams
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Dear Family & Friends,
You may know De Wayne Williams Sr. from his work in the industry as a Studio Car Carrier and his resounding laughter. On the evening of June 10th, 2021, his youngest son’s beautiful life was tragically taken. 23 year-old Donovan Daniel Williams from Newhall was struck while riding his motorcycle in a fatal car accident.
During this difficult time we are reaching out to our Local 399 brothers and sisters, family and friends for prayers and help to cover the cost of Donovan’s funeral expenses and proper send off. All fund raising will go directly to the Williams family.
Thank you so much for your consideration,
Jay Duff & Heather La Bella
Local 399 Drivers
There are no instructions for being a father,
I did the best I could rising my sons as a single dad . You would never think you would be planning to say good bye to your son. We all think it’s the other way them planning to say good bye to us. My son Donovan was 23 years old with so much more life left in him. He wrapped cars @ Genesis 1 Auto Concept, and designed car wraps. He had plans on opening his own shop someday . Driver of a black Kia cut that short by making a u turn in front of him while on his Ducati motorcycle ending his life.
There is no feeling more helpless than knowing someone you love and respect endlessly is going through the worst pain imaginable and there is nothing you can do to make it better. You are loved by so many Donovan - but none so much as your amazing father De Wayne Williams Sr. and brother De Wayne Williams Jr. Please, if your reading this, stop and say a prayer for DeWayne and DJ.
I am learning how to live
In a new way
Since that day
You were taken away.
I am learning how to live
With the things left unsaid
Knowing I got to say them
With every tear that I shed.
I am learning how to live
By embracing the pain
Knowing that you live on
Through the memories that remain.
I am learning how to live
Knowing I will never again see your face
And I have peace knowing
You’re in a better place.
I am learning how to live
Knowing you’re in God’s care
It gives me the strength to move on
And makes the pain much easier to bear.