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Learning Together Run 2019: Student Support Fund

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Learning Together

Founded in 2014, Learning Together is an educational initiative that brings together people in criminal justice and higher education institutions to study alongside each other in learning communities that aim to be inclusive and individually, institutionally and socially transformative. Learning Together partnerships provide higher education opportunities for people to study together, and learn with and from each other through dialogue and the sharing of experience.

Our learning communities provide progression and pipeline opportunities for learners to nurture individual growth, to challenge social disadvantage as a barrier to higher education learning and to work together towards more positive societies and futures.

In 2018-19 over 50 criminal justice and higher education organisations partnered with each other through the Learning Together Network, offering over 30 higher education courses to almost 600 learners. Through Learning Together, we have started to imagine, and put into practice, small steps of change towards a vision of individually, institutionally and socially transformative learning communities. But we need to go further together – we need your help.

Read more about Learning Together on our website. 

Student Support Fund

Last year, past and current students and staff, in the prisons and in the community, ran The Great
South Run together - a 10 mile run - to raise money to provide support for our students taking up higher education opportunities as they left prison, and seeking further learning opportunities in prison.

Funding from our last run has been invaluable. We've funded learning materials, transport to attend events and courses, created a new monthly community meal, held new creative workshops and formed a new 'crisis fund' to respond to urgent needs among our students (for food, clothing, bedding) where there is no existing provision.

We need to replenish and extend this funding so that we can enhance the support we offer our students and better respond to their educational ambitions and needs within systems and a social context that makes it all too easy to fall 'through the cracks'.

So this year, on 20 October 2019, the Learning Together community will run the Cambridge Town and Gown 10k together.

Please make a donation and share this campaign gofundme.com/learning-together-student-support-fund-2019
with your friends and family.

Thank you in advance for your support!

10 Stories for 10 Miles: 

Over the coming months we will be sharing stories of what the money that you helped us raise last year has achieved. We are sharing one story for each mile that the Learning Together community ran. You can keep up to date with these stories on our blog. To catch up so far, please follow the links below. 

Tom's theatre workshop

Our community mural 

Rosca comes to study at Cambridge 

Card making workshop in HMP Whitemoor 

Our first ever community meal 


Dom's Hamlet Hip Hop

Craig's letter 



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