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Leaving a Domestic Violence Home

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My children and I have recently left a volatile situation in which my husband, their father has been both verbally and physically abusive towards us. When he was forced to leave our home after being arrested and served an emergency restraining order, he began his vendetta to leave us with no choice but to give him another chance. I refused. His method of doing so was to close our bank accounts, taking all of our money and putting it in his own private account, as well as turning off our cable and Internet. We have had a mere $100 to live off of since the day he was forced to move out. I am going to court later this month against him, seeking full custody of our daughters, as well as financial support and child support with minimal visitation that is supervised. I have found the attorney I'd like to represent my daughters and I in court, so I am now asking for help in raising the $7000 retainer fee for my lawyer. I thank you in advance for your help in this matter.



  • Adrianna Guzman
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Nicole Allison
Burbank, CA

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