Lee and Laura's christmas gift
Donation protected
Dear friends and family of Laura and Lee
I have known Laura since about October, when she joined our airline, and she has been a great addition to our working family here in Adelaide; we love her to bits.
She is friendly, kind beyond belief, knowledgeable, hardworking, and loved by all of us. And we have only known her for a short amount of time.
As you probably know, Lee, Laura’s husband, has been battling brain cancer for around 18 months. Recently Laura received the news no partner, family or friends wanted to hear.
Lee’s brain tumour has started growing aggressively again and is now grade 4. Lee has approximately six months left with Laura and their beautiful boys.
There are some positive things to Lee’s and Laura’s journey together. Apart from the clear and beautiful love they have for each other and their boys, they are also both feeling optimistic about a new treatment that can hopefully prolong their time together. And I am delighted to tell you all that Lee and Laura have just been told their offer on a family home in Taperoo has been accepted.
This is Lee and Laura's first home purchase, and the new treatment to give Lee more time with his family has lifted Lees and Laura’s spirits just before Christmas. What a lovely way to start Christmas together, their first family home and a bit of Christmas hope.
If you are like me and are devastated by Lee's cancer journey. And feel deeply for Lee and Laura, and the boys.
I just thought at this challenging time for this loving family; we could all be able to offer them something from each of us. A little bit of Christmas cheer so they can use a bit of financial lift to buy something for their new home and ease Lee’s worries for his family.
So, if you know them and want to find a way to help them, this could be one way to do so.
They have such a burden on their shoulders right now. Lee and Laura are not just sitting back and ignoring their difficulties, but instead moving forward head first to protect their two boys and Laura in providing a safe, secure family home to hold their old memories in and make some new ones.
Merry Christmas, everyone, and thank you in advance for any support you can give them. They deserve a better life story than this but give what you can if you can. It will all help them.
Organizer and beneficiary
Pennington, SA
Laura Whitehorn