Leen's hope journey
Donation protected

Hello, My name is Leen! I am 7 years old, I live in Amman, Jordan, and I suffer from Mixed Cerebral Palsy (CP). While I could craw, stand, and eager to walk when I was little, unfortunately, I got very sick when I was about 9 months old. This left me in a coma for 6 days. After I woke up from the coma, my mom and dad tried really hard to look for a doctor that would know why I was sick and how I could get better quickly. We were told that a virus infected my brain, which resulted in major damage to my body's ability to move. I was diagnosed with Mixed CP, which affected both my left arm and right leg and my body's overall ability to balance correctly. I have undergone intensive physical therapy sessions (3 sessions a day, each session lasting 45 minutes long) for the past six years. There's an opportunity for me to undergo a Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) surgery on my spinal cord at the St. Louis Children's Hospital in Missouri led by Dr. Park. Dr. Park visited me in Jordan and told me and my family that if I do not complete this surgery before I am 10 years old, all hope of me walking, even with a walker will disappear as my legs will not be able to support my body weight, and I will have to spend the rest of my life in a wheel chair. I have dreams of running in school and playing with my friends like any normal child around the world. Dr. Park told me and my family that this surgery is my last hope to achieve these dreams! Will you please help me to achieve my dreams by donating to my surgery? Any amount helps - even as little as $1! Please also share and encourage your friends and family to donate and spread the world as well.
We’re currently hosting an offline campaign, sharing Leen’s hopes and dreams with the world. You can buy one of our handmade hope and dream boards for 5JOD to help support Leen’s cause.
my surgery will be in August 2020
visit us on Facebook page : https://web.facebook.com/Leens-hope-to-walk-104845660990863/
And Mr Mohammad Kiswani he is a friend of mine he lives in USA and he will be withdrawing the money and sending the funds to the hospital (st louis children's hospital) in missouri

انا لين عمري ٧ سنوات مرضت من لما كان عمري ٩ شهور صابني فيروس ودخلت غيبوبة لمدة ٦ أيام وصحيت لقيت الفيروس هاجم دماغي وسببلي شلل دماغي مختلط أثر الشلل على ايدي اليسار ورجلي اليمين وبطلت اعرف اتوازن وبطلت اعرف اوقف او امشي
ماما وبابا تعبو معي كتير لحد م انا وصلت لهون من بعد العلاج الطبيعي والوظيفي المكثفة
انا هلأ بالصف التاني ومتفوقة بدراستي بس عم بواجه صعوبة اني ما بقدر امشي بضل قاعدة على الدرج
نفسي امشي واركض متلي متل صاحباتي ويا ريت اني بروح ارتاح او العب متلي متل اي طفل انا بروح باكل وبرتاح وبعدها بتبلش حصصي بالعلاج الطبيعي مدة الحصة يوميآ ٤٥ دقيقة
عنا امل اني امشي عن طريق عملية في مستشفى سانت لويس في ولاية ميزوري في امريكا عند دكتور بارك
زار دكتور بارك الاردن في شهر 11/2019 وحكالي لازم اعمل العملية لانو شد يلي في رجلي راح يمنعني حتى امشي على
لما يصير عمري 10 سنين حتى الواكر ما راح امشي علي لانو رجلي ما راح يحملو جسمي
لهيك عملت مبادرة بعمل لوحة بتعبر عن حلمي واملي اني امشي وببيع اللوحة بخمس دنانير
facebook page : leen's hope to walk
ما بدي اطول عليكم بس انا
عندي احلام وانا صغيرة ولما اكبر متلي متل اي حد
حلمي وانا صغيرة اركض والعب واساعد ماما وادرس واطلع مع بابا وماما
ولما اكبر برضو عندي حلم اني ادرس جامعه واكون متفوقة واعتمد على نفسي واشتغل وابني حياة خاصة فيي بدون مساعدة
شكرا الكم

Belal Mohammad
Odessa, TX