Victim of Pit Bull Attack
In the middle of the night, August 13th, here in a Pittsburgh suburb, I was attacked by my pit bull, King. We had King for about a year, since he was six months old, and we got him as a rescue pet and loved him as a member of the family. He was not a normally aggressive dog and was a gentle giant, so to speak.
It was raining the night of the attack and I had taken him out to go to the bathroom. I believe the rain and the thunder must have spooked him because he bit me a few times. The bites hurt but I assumed it was just going to be left at that, he was scared and was reacting.
However, after the few initial bites, I realized something was horribly wrong. He kept biting me and I eventually blacked out from the blood loss. I was able to run into a bathroom and barricade myself behind closed doors until the paramedics were able to come. As the door was still open, he eventually ran off.
I am a hard-working guy and need some help while I'm going to be out of comission. I have a long road to recovery and can use any help I can get. I normally work with my hands as a laborer but I will be out of work for several months. If, even if you cannot afford to help me out, please say some prayers for both me and for King, who unfortunately had to be euthanized.
Another picture of King. I nursed him back to health and as you can see, he was a big healthy boy by the time he mauled me. I really did love him and treated him like a member of my family up until the event.