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Legacy Fund for Antoine McCloud

Spende geschützt
Legacy Fund for Antoine McCloud

With heavy hearts, we share the news of the passing of our beloved Antoine McCloud on September 4, 2024. Antoine touched many lives during his time with us, and we want to honor his memory with the respect and dignity he deserves.

Due to health challenges, Antoine was unable to secure life insurance, and we are now coming together as a family to cover the funeral expenses. We are seeking to raise $12,500 to ensure that Antoine receives a fitting tribute.

This fund is created exclusively for family and friends who knew and loved Antoine. If you feel moved to contribute, your support would mean the world to us.

We are deeply thankful for any help you can provide during this difficult time.

With sincere gratitude,

Antoine's Dad,
Bishop K.E. McCloud and Family
Discovery Life Center Ministry

Spendenteam (2)

Alexis Gutierrez
Houston, TX
Tivo Cloud
Bishop KE McCloud
Team member

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