Legal Assistance for Sirinda Jinparu
PLEASE ASSIST & SHARE! My stepdaughter, SIRINDA JINPARU IS BEING DETAINED AT Stewart Immigration Detention Facility in Lumpkin, Georgia.
Here are the facts of the situation with Sirinda Jinparu:
· On Friday on May 15th, my daughter Athena (age 12), and my stepdaughter Sirinda Jinparu (age 21), flew into Atlanta airport from Thailand on Korean Air via Seoul. Sirinda was escorting Athena to come live with me in Madison Alabama where I recently moved to for work. Sirinda planned to visit until June 28th where she would return to Thailand and quarantine for 2 weeks in a hotel, before returning to college at Sripatum University in Bangkok. Her presence with Athena and I was essential to making the transition to America easier for her and allow me to continue working.
· In the process of going through customs in Atlanta, a customs officer searched their bags and found a massage spray that had bold lettering reading “THC” in English and the rest of the label being in Thai language. They also found labeled blister packs of vitamins. The massage spray contains the ingredient CBD and was not above the legal limit of 0.3% THC. It can be bought, sold, and shipped in Thailand and America freely, and is marketed on Google and Facebook. The blister packs of vitamins were also labeled in Thai and are a widely used herbal supplement called FAH-TALAI-JONE, marketed to have “anti-Covid” properties. It contains no THC or any other scheduled/restricted chemicals or compounds.
· Customs officers believing the massage spray to be “THC oil” and the vitamins to be “weed pills.” Customs took her into custody and called local Police in Atlanta, who indicated they planned to press felony marijuana charges. Customs then informed Sirinda that her B1/B2 Visa that she was traveling on had been revoked, and that she was going to jail. She reports to me they threatened and intimidated her, screaming in her face, cursing at her, making comments about her body, and genuinely trying to scare her.
· Upon arrival of local police and a brief investigation, they decided not to charge Sirinda with marijuana and turned her back over to ICE.
· ICE indicated they were going to deport her immediately back to Thailand with a 5 year ban on returning to the U.S. until it was brought to their attention Sirinda has a claim to U.S. Citizenship
· ICE then transported Sirinda to Stewart Detention Facility to be held in custody until USCIS could make a determination on her USC status.
· On May 27, 2021 USCIS determined Sirinda was not a USC due to lack of a DNA test
· I have been in contact with Sirinda’s American biological father and he is willing to supply a DNA sample in order to prove her USC legitimacy.
· Sirinda’s biological father has reached out to her deportation officer and informed them of his willingness to provide a DNA sample.
· I have been in contact with her Deportation Officer and also informed him of her biological fathers willingness to supply a DNA sample to prove her USC legitimacy, however her D.O. told me “a DNA test won’t matter at this point.”
· I have contacted Sen. Richard Shelby’s office as well as a number of immigration attorneys, non-profit organizations, and a GS14 ICE employee and they have all informed me that Sirinda is a USC thru Jus Soli.
· Sirinda is on several medications for Major Depressive Disorder. She has informed me that while being detained she has not been given her medications as prescribed and that the doctors at Stewart Detention Center have now changed her medication. She has informed me that she is having negative side effects due to this change in medication including severe dizziness, sleep paralysis, severe migraines after eating food, and suicidal ideations.
· I submitted a Fraihat v ICE Custody Redetermination Request on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 based on her qualifying diagnoses of Major Depressive Disorder.
· The last time I have spoken with Sirinda was Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 15:30. She informed me at that time that because I filed a Fraihat Request based on her qualifying diagnoses of her major depressive disorder, ICE rather than releasing her, took her clothes, put her in a paper suit, and put her in solitary confinement because "she's a possible threat to herself and others."
· She hasn't received her medication as prescribed for weeks now and the new medication the doctors at Stewart Detention Facility are giving her is really screwing her up.. this treatment is not helping her at all.
· The last time we spoke she was sobbing.. begging to just go back to Thailand, saying she can't handle how they're treating her there for doing nothing wrong and she doesn’t want to be in this country anymore. She said the cell they are isolating her in is freezing, they took her socks and she said her feet are purple, swollen, and bruised.
· Senator Richard Shelby’s office is also tracking her case and their contact information is [phone redacted]
· Fox News 5 in Atlanta has interviewed me and plans to air Sirinda’s story. A News organization in Thailand has also picked up Sirinda’s story.
· The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok and Royal Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. are aware of Sirinda’s case.
· Any assistance to will be used to help pay for Sirinda's legal fees while we fight her case.
Thank you.