Legal Fees for Wonder
Donation protected
Hello everyone,
My name is Wonder. And as I'm sure many of you know by now I as well as my former colleagues have been involved with an ongoing situation between us and another creator.
During this situation, I made a response to refute claims made by said creator alongside verifying my own accounts I provided.
Roughly a month had passed without an update on the situation. That was until 3 days ago when I received a cease and desist letter demanding that legal action would be taken against me if I did not remove my response and Twitter threads.
To do so would be a disservice to myself and every other voice that has come forward during this situation.
As many of you are aware a cease and desist letter is a legal matter. Which means the situation has grown exponentially. And I intend to fight.
Legal fees come with expenses. Expenses I'm willing to pay to have my voice heard, along with others who have spoken out.
I have had varying people come forward suggesting I create a GoFundMe in order to garner support and assist with such a matter. So that brings us here.
I'd like to state, please do not feel pressured to donate. Your well being/finances I insist must come first.
Any and all donations are wholeheartedly appreciated. And I am sincerly in your debt.
I'm unaware how much traffic this particular GoFundMe will receive given the circumstances, so in the event that there are remaining finances after legal fees I would like to donate these remainders to charity. One in particular known as 'The Trevor Project'..
The Trevor Project is known for providing crisis centers with trained individuals, safe spaces for expression, and by giving said individuals a community to join.
In addition, they actively fund and support research projects, as well as support and fund public education.
On top of that, actively pushing, proposing, and supporting legislation across the US.
It is a charity that after looking into, is one find myself to believe in. And I'd like for this GoFundMe to go on to possibly not only aid me but many others.
Once more, to clarify, any funds received will be sent directly to the retainer for legal fees.
The remainder will be donated to the Trevor project and receipts will be included as to show transparency with where the funds are sent.
Please put yourself first. And to those of you who are willing/desire to donate, sincerly I'd like to thank you.
Be well. Stay strong.
Much love.
- Wonder.
(NOTE: This fundraiser has been set to a certain amount as it is required. Any number is appreciated and cherished.)
HiIm Wonder
Austin, TX