Legal Fees-NO Lincoln Park pickleball and OLA
Donation protected
HELP US KEEP FIGHTING and get this second win!
Hi everyone! It's been a long winter. I have some very positive updates. First thank you all again for your generosity and commitment to keeping parks a place where we can ALL enjoy nature, as well as recreate in different ways.
Spring is finally here, and the Lincoln Park eagles and owls are incubating eggs!!
We had our first win tonight.
Through signing my petition, and emailing Parks, WE (you, us) successfully, collectively, let Parks know that Lincoln Park is not an appropriate site for a dog park (OLA). The Parks Board of Commissioners voted unanimously this evening on the West Seattle Stadium option!!
In that decision Parks mentions that the community wishes to keep this area of Lincoln for passive activation. However, missing in that analysis, were the environmental issues which would impede them from building it at Lincoln.
In the role of wildlife and your community biologist, I have been working with colleagues from Birds Connect and Seattle Nature Alliance on a 'wildlife team' with Parks - and things are looking good for constructing the pickleball courts at another location. We support Parks in this decision, and look forward to hearing this commitment from Parks soon. Parks would still face legal challenges if they were to pursue building the courts at Lincoln. Our lawyer's letter to Parks outlines all their policy and law violations.
I have also received several public records requests back that continue to show the disingenuous ways Parks has been operating with regards to this project.
In the meantime, let's celebrate this win as we continue towards the finish line.
We have a little ways to go to reach our financial goal, but we must take a breath and celebrate this success, and thank Parks for listening to the community here.
It's hard work, but we are happy to keep at it. Your support helps keep the fire alive.
Hello Protectors of Lincoln Park.
Exciting news - We have added a lawyer to our toolkit! 11/30/2023
We have done an AMAZING job, and have accomplished many things:
Getting the heavy equipment removed from the critical root zone of trees
Fence removal out of the meadow which serves as important habitat and a popular destination for park-goers
Construction on hold until at least March/April
Parks to conduct study on impacts of noise and light pollution on wildlife and humans
...but, the fight is not over. Despite our consistent efforts, we believe Parks fully intends to build the courts.
Moving forward, our attorney will be an integral part in helping us accomplish our goal of removing Lincoln Park as an option for pickleball courts installation.
We need your help now to cover legal funds, and a few administrative costs.
Thus far all of our efforts have been, and will continue to be 100% volunteer run. However, adding a lawyer will afford us a level of expertise and the imperative communication abilities that are necessary for success.
So many of you have helped the movement, in so many different ways:
Public engagement and education, participation in multiple protests, canvassing, signing the petition, writing to the city, taking shifts for signature gathering at the West Seattle Junction, hours of meetings, public presentations, social media outreach, media engagement, participation on our task force, research, photo documentation, meetings with Parks and so much more.
Each participation style is invaluable.
If you haven't been able to find a style of participation that suits you, here's a perfect opportunity to help.
We appreciate the community coming together on this; we are stronger together.
Every bit helps, please consider donating to this next step to stop the installation of pickleball courts in Lincoln Park.

Kersti Muul
Seattle, WA