Help bring Sage home!!!
Here is a brief introduction to my story:
Interview on the Richie Allen Show:
Please help me with legal fees as I have already spent my life savings and so forth on a new attorney.
Press Release 12/21/2015 By Raquel Okyay :
My son has been taken from me on absolutely no grounds by a corrupt, lopsided judge and Guardian ad Litem.
The judge (Sulak) I investigated 3 years before my divorce for his association in the TYC scandal via non-profit organizations.
The judge denied me council as well as denied a motion for continuance to seek council and awarded my son to our abuser.
My son use to have light in his eyes, have deep smiles and gut laughs full of joy.
Now his eyes are dark, skin is gray, rashes, bruises, skinny, he is completely disassociated and is showing disturbings signs.
My son told me during a supervised, he's going to build a time machine to when we were in NY. That's when it was just my son and I.
As we were bullied by Guardian Ad Litem (Angela Hardin) to leave our home, job, school, family and friends.
The abuse is exstensive and the torment continues.
So far 4 breakins and burglaries, assualts, and so forth has taken place since we arrived in Texas September 2014.
I am an advocate for parents rights, pro se's and an activist against corruption, where I have and currently, volunteer my time towards others in similar situations as well as the homeless and disabled Veterens.
I am now asking for your help, please share and/or spare, I truly appreciate it.
Thank you, Peace, Love and Freedom my friends!!
For more information please reach me at [email redacted].
Or follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffany.aliano.7
Twitter: @TiffanyAliano
Also my BitCoin address is: 1AkxAcS3kmhir5LAJNXuMHtAJPA8PYpXu9