LES Enfants de Bohème Emergency Relief
Donation protected

Dear Regulars, Neighbors, and Friends,
As many of you know, we closed our doors mid-March, in response to the city and state’s orders to control the spread of COVID19. We decided it was more important to protect the health of our workers and our community than to continue take-out service. None of this has been easy on us or our dear employees, who are like family to us.
We are heartbroken to see our business, which we so lovingly built, just grind to a halt. We worried about the future of LES Enfants and its ability to recoup losses, pay our bills, and reopen. We are especially worried about the impact our closure is having our hardworking staff. Like all businesses during this challenging time, we have laid off our employees but hope to rehire everyone as soon as possible.
We are asking for your help now! This fundraiser will help us offset our mounting debt and enable us to provide direct support to our employees since unemployment benefits provide sub-minimum wage. As of now, the government’s stimulus programs are not fully implemented and we don't know when businesses will see actual relief.
We hope that you—our community of regulars, neighbors, friends, and friends of friends!—might be willing to contribute. No contribution is too small; we are grateful for any help you are willing to give! As soon as the city allows us to reopen, we look forward to the opportunity to thank you in person! We'll plan a celebration to toast all of you for pitching in during our time of need. We won’t forget you and will consider you a friend (and VIP guest!) for life.
Those of you who know me also know that I am more used to offering help than asking for it. This is not an easy thing to do but we have to do everything we can to preserve the business. Merci, gracias, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. And please take good care of yourselves! We wish you and your loved ones strength and good health.
Santé, bonheur, amour + paix,
Stefan Jonot, Owner
P.S. We just learned about GoFundMe's Small Business Relief Fund, a generous program that may provide additional support. We applied to be included and have our fingers crossed! #SmallBusinessRelief
EDIT: GoFundMe informed us that the Comments section has been moved to the last page, after the Sharing page (you have to click the line "Finished Sharing? Continue" to get to the section). We would treasure your notes and pictures; they'll be mementos that will help us remember how you all helped us during this crisis. Thanks again!

Stefan Jonot
New York, NY