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Please help support Brian Simon,Let the music play

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El Segundo's Renaissance man, Brian Simon, who has made valuable contributions as a journalist, a reporter, an advertising manager, a musician, a community member, and a friend, experienced a downturn in December when his increasing back pain relegated him to his home over the holidays and turned into a life-threatening situation. Brian was rushed into emergency surgery to remove a tumor and secure his spine, upon a cancer diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma.

Brian recuperated in a neurological ICU and then a rehabilitation center before returning home on January 5. He will soon embark on a lengthy radiation and chemotherapy treatment program. 

The road ahead for Brian will be long and difficult. Yet he has slowly built up his strength and mobility as he prepares for these next steps towards his recovery. The outpouring of love through visits, calls, texts, and cards has kept his spirits high. He is so very grateful for each and every one of you.

If you would like to help, with a  donation of support for Brian's financial burden, please consider this GoFundMe site. Your generous contribution will help further Brian's peace of mind and allow him to focus on healing, so he can resume his work in his community, and pursue his passion for music once again soon!

There is no amount too small, and your generosity is so greatly appreciated.

With  deepest thanks!


  • Darrel & Karen
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Brian Simon's team (3)

Maggie Read
El Segundo, CA
Brian Simon
Lillie Farkas
Team member
Stacey Ramdhani
Team member

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