Let's help Dulguun to get healthy and go home!
Donation protected
Dulguun Ochbadrakh is 23 years old promising young basketball player from Mongolia who received the MCBA's (Mongolian College Basketball Association) MVP of the year, which also gave him an opportunity to travel to the United States to watch the 2019 NBA Final's game. During his trip, he fell ill, and ended up at the hospital. He was admitted to the Liver Transplant Unit at UCSF Medical Center, and requiring ICU level of care. He was diagnosed with acute liver failure, disseminated herpes zoster and acute Hepatitis B. At this time, Dulguun Ochbadrakh's prognosis is highly dependent on if his liver recovers, if his liver fails and he is unable to receive transplant, his mortality is 100%. He is in critical condition due to his severe liver disease, multiple infections, kidney failure and ongoing blood losses. So we are asking you to help this young man to get healthy and go back home to see his family. Please donate!
Hi everyone, my name is Orgil, and I am the head of American Mongolian Basketball Association. I am originally from Mongolia, but currently I reside in Omaha, NE. When we heard about Dulguun's hospitalization, I decided to open the gofundme page since its going to be long treacherous road. We just recently had our annual American Mongolian Basketball Tournament in San Francisco, CA. Dulguun was at the tournament, even though he wasn't competing. We all know who Dulguun is since he is known in basketball circuit. We started this page, so that we can help with some of his expenses, whether its medical or to pay for housing for his family members once they are in the States... etc. His parents are trying to get their visa to come and be close to him while he is in the hospital. We've learned that since he is over the age of 18, there aren't any housing that can be provided to his parents while they are here in the States. So, these funds will be used for all the expenses that will incur in coming days. I am not quiet sure how much his medical expenses would be, and I am pretty sure it will far exceed the $30,000 goal. However, this will be good start for him and his family. I am planning on withdrawing the funds once his parent arrive here in the States, and open a bank account. This money won't be going to my account or anyone who isn't related to Dulguun.
Очбадрахын Дөлгөөн Онош нь Элэгний дутагдал буюу элэгний ком гэсэн оноштойгоор одоо АНУ-н Калифорниа-н дэргэдэх Их Сургуульд хэвтэн эмчлүүлж байна. Дөлгөөн нь 2019 оны Оюутны лигийн аваргын шагнал болох NBA-н финалын тоглолтоо үзэх гээд баяр хөөртэйгөөр ээж аавдаа, эгч нар, найз нөхөддөө үнсүүлээд 2019.06.12ны өдөр эх орноосоо морьдсон дүү минь удалгүй хэдхэн хоногийн дараа маш хүнд хэлбэрийн элэгний Б вирус авч, улмаар элэгнийн дутмагшил буюу элэгний комд орж, биеийн байдал нь эрс муудсан. Дүү минь амь аврагдах цорын ганц боломж нь ЭЛЭГ ШИЛЖҮҮЛЭН СУУЛГАХ л арга байна. АНУлс даа донор шаардлагатай өвчтөний жагсаалтанд орсон ч, хэзээ тэр донор нь олдох тодорхойгүй, бас гэр бүлийнхэн нь донор болох хүсэлт тавьсан ч АНУ-н хуулиар амьд хүнээс донор авахгүй гэсэн хариу өгсөн. Иймд донор олдтол бид дүүгээ торгоож байхын тулд маш үнэтэй, хамгийн сайн гэсэн л эмчилгээнүүдийг хийлгэж байна. Бас дүү минь Салхин цэцгийн халдвар авсан учраас дотор эрхтнүүд нь эхнээсээ ажиллагаагүй болж эхэлж байна. Өчигдрөөс нь бөөр нь ажиллагаагүй болж, бөөрний үйл ажиллагааг дэмжих аппаратанд орсон. Энэ эмнэлэгт өчигдөр шилжиж ирсэн бөгөөд өчигдөр, өнөөдөр 2 эмчилгээний төлбөр одоогийн байдлаар 30.000$ болоод байна. Цаашид төлбөр нь хэд болж нэмэгдэхийг бид үнэхээр тааварлаж мэдэхгүй байна. Иймд Монголын ард түмэн Та нар минь дүүд минь тусалаач. Далайд дусал нэмэр гэж, та бүхэн минь бага ч гэлтгүй сэтгэлийн хандиваа дүүд минь өргөнө гэдэгт найдаж байна
Organizer and beneficiary
Orgil Tumendemberel
Omaha, NE
Tsatsral Bekhbat