Lets furnish Zartounk Kindergarten
The Zartunk Kindergarten, is a tuition free kindergarten, located in a vulnerable area in Sevan city. The kindergarten has been supporting 150 underprivileged children with love, care and three meals a day for the past 20 years. With a generous contribution from the mayor and private donors, the kindergarten has gone through a substantial make over to furnish all rooms to operate in full capacity. There was a plan to expand the premises to open a day care and accommodate 26 children of ages 2-5, unfortunately, due to COVID crisis, the municipality is no longer able to fund the project and three classes are vacant with no furniture, beds, and beddings.
With the support of implementing partner of Focus on Children Now (https://www.focusonchildrennow.org) and your generous donation, we will be able to provide:
26 beds and beddings
Storage cabinets
Classroom furniture
Child development toys and learning materials.
Your donation is 100 percent tax deductible.
Children is the foundation to build a strong Armenia, please donate to this worthy cause to keep Zartounk Kindergarten at the full capacity.
Thank you for your donation and support.
God Bless