Let's Get Sheena her Dream Workspace
We want to help our community member, Sheena get her dream workspace.
The cost is $10,000 for a travelling apothecary lab.
Omisimâw Wellness is solely operated by Métis Herlabist, Medicine Maker and Birthworker, Sheena Bradley. Sheena is a Member of Métis Nation of Alberta and McMurray Métis Local 1935.
Not only is Sheena working to decolonize health and wellness to make it inclusive and accessible to all; Sheena is also currently in a mentorship for Indigenous birthwork.
Sheena is an amazing and kind woman (and mother of two) who generously educates our community on Indigenous matters and reconciliation efforts. She is a woman to look up to in our community and deserves her dream workspace. Let’s make it happen for her.