Let’s give GUGA a hand!
Donation protected
O Guga e sua família são muito queridos e sempre ajudam à todos, mas agora eles que estão precisando da nossa “mãozinha”. Ele sofreu um acidente no trabalho essa semana, caindo com as mãos no chão de concreto, o que resultou em fratura dos dois punhos. Ele passará por uma cirurgia e terá que ficar imobilizado de 3 a 6 meses até sua total recuperação. Sua esposa não está trabalhando no momento pois tem uma bebê de 4 meses e outra de 3 anos. E agora terá que cuidar do Guga também até mesmo com as necessidades básicas (banho, alimentação, etc). Eles terão muitas despesas durante esse período. Vamos ajudá-los!
Guga and his family are very dear and always help everyone, but now they are in need of our "hand". He had an accident while working this week, falling with his hands on the concrete floor, which resulted in a fracture in both wrists. He will undergo surgery and will have to be immobilized for 3 to 6 months until his full recovery. His wife is not working at the moment because she has a baby of 4 months old and another 3 years old girl. And now will take care of Guga also even the basic necessities (bath, feeding him, etc). They will have many expenses during this period. Let's help them!
Guga and his family are very dear and always help everyone, but now they are in need of our "hand". He had an accident while working this week, falling with his hands on the concrete floor, which resulted in a fracture in both wrists. He will undergo surgery and will have to be immobilized for 3 to 6 months until his full recovery. His wife is not working at the moment because she has a baby of 4 months old and another 3 years old girl. And now will take care of Guga also even the basic necessities (bath, feeding him, etc). They will have many expenses during this period. Let's help them!
Organizer and beneficiary
Michela Araújo
Boca Raton, FL
Pedro Souza