Let's Goat Local!
Tax deductible
*UPDATE* Thank you for helping us reach our $5,000 goal!
Each additional $1,000 will allow us to expand our herd.
Help us welcome these friendly goats to KC's Historic Northeast! We need help raising money for the goats' food, fencing, and furnishings. We hope to facilitate a safe, inclusive public gathering space around goats and restore an environmentally diverse park for everyone to enjoy.
Suggested Donation Scale:
Keep goats healthy - $25 (40 donors will provide food for 1 year)
Keep goats cozy - $50 (25 donors will support trailer costs)
Keep goats fenced - $100 (15 donors will buy electric fencing)
Keep goats safe - $250 (10 donors will equip safety protection for 1 year)
Name a Goat!! - Starting at $500 (6 available. Contact Jerusalem Farm to claim a goat. First come, first serve.)
Jordan Schiele
Kansas City, MO
Jerusalem Farm Inc.