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Let’s help Gregg

Doação protegida
Hi my name is Alex Zelaya Jr , I am organizing this go fund me for my friend our friend Gregg Skelly, who is in need of our help. Gregg recently developed deep vein thrombosis which formed a blood clot in his right leg and it broke off and moved to his right lung, causing a pulmonary embolism .
The blood clot in his lung makes it extremely hard to breathe and stand for long periods of time without being in extreme pain.
Gregg is Currently out of work and will not return until January due to his medical condition.

All I am asking for is a little help to help Gregg and his family, financially through this rough time to afford his rent and utilities.since the medical bills are more than he can afford.

Thank you so much for helping our photographer friend in anyway during this time of need.



  • Anônimo
    • $100
    • 3 anos
  • James Munn
    • $50
    • 3 anos
  • Ybette Hernandez
    • $60
    • 3 anos
  • Bob Roche
    • $25
    • 3 anos
  • Andrew Martin
    • $50
    • 3 anos

Organizador e beneficiário

Alex Zelaya
Chelsea, MA
Gregg Skelly

Seu lugar confiável, poderoso e fácil para obter ajuda

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