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Let's help Skeet

Don protégé
Hello, my name is Matt Carter, owner of Statesville Glass & Shower Door. Our dear friend, employee, and family, Skeet Ham, has worked for us here at Statesville Glass for over 35 years. He was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 liver and Stage 4 lung cancer.

Skeet is one of a kind and someone everyone should be pleased to meet and spend time with. He is a friend to many, and he doesn't take that word lightly. If you are lucky enough to be his friend, you've got a friend for life. He's the type of guy that will go out of his way and even put himself in harm's way to help others. He's one of the hardest and most dedicated employees and friends anyone could enjoy having. He cares deeply about his family and pets and ensures they are always cared for. Whether taking the family and the dogs for an adventure through the country side on the weekends , or feeding all his squirrels and birds that enjoy coming to his house to be fed, he always ensures everyone and everything is taken care of. He enjoys being out on the go with the animals and his family and friends.

Working at Statesville Glass, Skeet has made a big impression on many people through the years. His customers love him and think of him as family. He's built a lot of relationships here in Statesville and surrounding areas. Many of those customers and friends reached out to us and asked how they could help Skeet and his family during this time. We think this is one way to do that.

He's a simple man, a man's man, and a family man. He's working hard like he always does to get through this and needs our help.

Please keep Skeet's wife Jeanie, son Mebane, and daughter Allison in your prayers. Donate if you can, and please share.
Je contribue


  • Devin Chandler
    • 20 $
    • 2 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 50 $
    • 2 ans
  • Lori Smith
    • 100 $
    • 2 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 300 $
    • 2 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
    • 2 ans
Je contribue

Équipe de collecte de fonds (2)

Matt Carter
Statesville, NC
Terri Gibson
Team member

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