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Lets help Sophia publish her books

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Hello everyone ,my name is Aija, I'm raising this found to help Nigerian girl Christiana Sophia,which I met on my vacation in Africa. After I heard her story I was very touched and willing to help her,I hope you'll can be part of it to make this dream come true.
So here is Sophia's story:

My name is CHRISTIANA SOPHIA, I'm 19 years old Nigerian, I'm the youngest of the family of 8.I grew up in Nnewi Anambra state.
I'm a novelist, I'm mainly engaged in romantic novel or drama. I have been inspired to write books, that I hope will change and impact good deeds in so many lives...especially relationships and imaginary lives.
I started writing at the age of 13, during my high school days, which was a habit I picked up through group impact in my junior class.
I started writing following in the footsteps of my older sister CYNTHIA, who I look up to as a role model, who was also a great writer, she started writing at a tender age during her high school days, she was very popular and recognized in her school for her beautiful stories and novels. At that time most of her classmates preferred to read her books, apart from going to the library to look for novels, most of the time they visited the house just to pick up her novels, but due to the unstable financial situation of the family, she gave up her dream , stopped writing and started working to help support the family.

She inspired me a lot and I picked where she dropped, I had only one dream to become a great writer and to make her proud.
I have written so many books since i started writing, that I have even lost count of so many of my books, here are some of my best novels: BOND WITH YOU , THIRD PARTY, 4 HOURS NIGHT and THE SECRETS .
I have written so many and I will continue to do so, cause it has always been a dream and a hobby I enjoy the most .

But who will help the young girl fulfill her dreams?Not my old mother, who has nothing but small shop and earns nothing big out of it, nor my dad who is a driver. My dreams has always been locked up in me and it hurts ,that I just write to no one other than me and my friends.
Which brings me on the main reason for writing to you ,I ask for nothing ,but your support in this effort through good thoughts, prayers and donations . The funds I receive from you all will go fully and completely towards the upfront cost with the publisher which includes art direction, general correction, editors , publicists, printing and distribution .
I would be more than grateful for your help to kick-start this dream of mine, that is on the blink of reality ...thank you for your time, love and support through helping to make my dream come true .
Yours sincerely Sophia.

Please support Sophia throughout her journey of dreams, no amount of support is too small. DONATE OR SHARE
Thank you...


Aija Vanaga
County Galway

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