Lets join forces to help Maria Eugenia win this battle!
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Our family is coming together to support our dear aunt Maria Eugenia Marcano, a dedicated teacher in Venezuela who was recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Unfortunately, she does not have the financial means to cover the necessary chemotherapy, medications, treatments, and tests. As her loving family members, including nephews, nieces, sisters-in-law, and siblings, we are uniting to raise funds to help her overcome this challenging battle. Maria Eugenia is known for her fearless spirit, vibrant energy, and unwavering love for her family. She is always there to provide support and comfort to those in need. Despite this difficult time, she remains determined and eager to live life to the fullest. Maria Eugenia has a passion for singing and has been a member of several choirs in the city of Los Teques.
Nuestra familia se une para apoyar a nuestra querida tía María Eugenia Marcano, una dedicada maestra en Venezuela a quien recientemente le diagnosticaron linfoma no Hodgkin. Lamentablemente, no cuenta con los medios económicos para cubrir la quimioterapia, los medicamentos, los tratamientos y las pruebas necesarios. Como sus queridos familiares, incluidos sobrinos, sobrinas, cuñadas y hermanos, nos unimos para recaudar fondos para ayudarla a superar esta desafiante batalla. María Eugenia es conocida por su espíritu alegre, energía vibrante y amor inquebrantable por su familia. Ella siempre está ahí para brindar apoyo y consuelo a quienes lo necesitan. A pesar de este momento difícil, ella sigue decidida y ansiosa por vivir la vida al máximo. María Eugenia tiene pasión por el canto y ha sido integrante de varios coros en la ciudad de Los Teques.
Maria Marcano
Knoxville, TN