Proving EVs Have What It Takes By Visiting All Nat'l Parks!
Donation protected
"You can't take road trips in an EV!" -Some idiot on Facebook
EV owners hear this all the time. But, it's time to both prove them wrong and make things even better! My goal with Charge to the Parks is to:
- Prove that EVs have what it takes by visiting all drivable national parks in an affordable EV pulling an affordable travel trailer, and document my trips on both CleanTechnica.com and on Charge to the Parks.
- Improve my EV road trip guide and make more/better EV travel guides for the parks
- Help make things better by recruiting local businesses to host charging stations that lead to the parks
Here are a few examples of what I've already done so far as part of this project:
- Guadalupe Mountains National Park EV Travel Guide (CleanTechnica Version)
- Carlsbad Caverns National Park EV Travel Guide (CleanTechnica Version)
- San Lorenzo Canyon Recreation Area EV Travel Guide
- Trip log for San Lorenzo Canyon and the Very Large Array
- Full list of all EV travel guides
Sadly, taking regular road trips is EXPENSIVE. Hotels/cabins and eating out adds up over the course of a week or two! So, to make this effort affordable, I need to make some improvements to my cargo/kitchen trailer and get some funds to make up for lost normal income on upcoming trips.

Cost Breakdown
- $1245 already used on improvements to my cargo trailer to make it better for traveling and cooking during charging stops
- $100 to improve the trailer's wiring to power the kitchen from my EV
- $200 for gas struts and lumber to add a boat tail to the rear of the trailer for better range
- $1000 for Starlink hardware and two months of roaming service
- $2500 for ten days of my time (I'll actually be putting in 20+ days) to gather information and photos, talk to business owners along the way, and put the guides together.
- Remaining amount ($190) is set aside for GoFundMe fees
Any funds raised beyond the goal will go toward getting out on more trips in the coming months.
Jennifer Sensiba
Las Cruces, NM