Let's Make Quintessence CCG A Proper Game Online!
Donation protected
Hello friends!
Last month, a team of artists and designers and I made a playable alpha of a card game for My First Game Jam. That game is called Quintessence, and you can find that print-and-play demo here. It's heavily inspired by the Japanese boom of card games for a younger crowd that started with Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh and ended in what I consider it's ultimate expression: Duel Masters, otherwise known in the States as Kaijudo.
Featuring Duel Master's greatest innovation: every card is playable as a resource, here demonstrated with what's normally a Monster card in Quintessence.
Now, I'm raising funds to make Quintessence into a proper card game, playable online through Tabletop Simulator, one deck and expansion at a time.
Many artists donated a lot of time and talent to the game jam version, and I think they deserve to be paid for the astounding quality of illustration they created.
I'm going to more fully break down the costs with this spreadsheet , but most of it is paying the artists and graphic designers involved for their outstanding work. Suffice to say that with $1750 we can convert the first two decks into a high-quality set in both print-and-play and Tabletop Simulator formats, and for every additional $900 and a month, we can make another 18 card expansion set - the first three of which will be additional decks.
Plus you'll help some starving artists starve a little less.
Note this wouldn't be enough for a print run as well; at an estimate, the cheapest print run we could do for this would be about $6000 for 500 copies of the core five decks, after all the decks are made. We're looking into print, but not yet.
Ask us about print runs after we're on more budget than looking under our couch cushions.
"Why aren't you doing this on Kickstarter?" Because Kickstarter is moving to an environmentally destructive and unsustainable blockchain model and supports NFT grifts, and we don't want to support that. We'd go with BackerKit if they were ready.
Who is getting the money? I'll be getting the money, and then disbursing it to our artists.
What will I get if I donate? If you donate $10 or more, I'll send you both a print and play copy of each deck we do and a download link for update we do for Tabletop Simulator. I'll also thank you in the credits, if you like.
Ask me any other questions you might have and thank you for your help!
Talia Belser
Berkeley, CA