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On August 24, when Jacbo Blake was shot seven times in back. Clyde McLemore led the protest in Kenosha during the protest the crowd was pepper spray by the police. Mr. McLemore was upset and kick a door. six months later he is being charge with one felony charge of attempt battery on a police and trespassing. the Kenosha police trample upon protesters constitutional rights.
Now that Clyde is facing these charges, he has to get attorney to fight these charges in the same court house as Kyle Rittenhouse. As we seen there is a white law and black law in Kenosha.
Nobody was injured during this so-call altercation; however, Clyde McLemore starts trail on Dec 16, 2021. Please donated to help save our leader.
Clyde Mclemore
Zion, IL
Black Lives Matter Lake County