Liam & Laylah
Liam Christian was an awesome kid, he required very little to smile. You could take him shopping and tell him to fill up a cart and he would come back with a stick of gum. He was just happy having attention and doing something fun. It’s very sad that he wasn’t able to see all the offerings this world had for him but he will be able to look over his sister (Laylah) and protect her from what this vicious world can look like.
This GoFundMe is for Laylah and Liam, Liam will be given the proper burial he deserves and will be laid to rest so when his sister is old enough and ready - will have the ability to visit with him and talk to him. They shared a bond that was on unbreakable, she was his everything. Unfortunately, she had to grow up too fast BUT she made sure Liam was always OK, even to the very end when she was being transported to a safe place these were her words – “Where is the bear?” Social Worker, Its in with the rest of the toys.” She had to physically see it before leaving hospital. Once she saw the bear she said, “Ok, because that is my brother’s bear and I have to keep it for him.” This is moments after she witnessed the most horrific act of behavior possible by a human.
Laylah is 5 years old and has experienced things in life that 99% of adults will never and furthermore a 5-year-old. Unfortunately, Laylah did everything in her power to protect her little brother and she will hold herself accountable for that due to the lack of priorities of the one that should have protected both of them, with that being said Laylah will require extensive counselling throughout the remainder of her life and we want to make sure she can get the help she requires without worry.
The donations received will go to burial service for her brother and then remaining monies will go into a trust account that ONLY her aunt and/or her will be able to access until she is 18 years old.
Please follow @liamchristianfoundation (on Instagram) as there will be a foundation started under Liam Christian’s name that will bring awareness to children whom have either been physically abused or whom have to endure circumstances that aren’t warranted. Depending on expenses we will try to provide 10 kids in Morris County with school supplies in his name.
He will rest peacefully but his name will continue to be a platform to prevent this terrible, horrific crime from happening again.
Liam Christian was a great helper and would want to help others.