Save the Liberia Chimps
Help provide support for chimpanzees used in experiments in Liberia!
In early in 2015, The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International—with the support of the Liberian government, dozens of organizations and individual donors from around the world—began providing emergency care to more than 60 chimpanzees in Liberia, Africa who were previously used in invasive research by a U.S. based research organization. Thanks to the incredible support we’ve received, we have been able to not only create a more stable situation for the chimpanzees but make several major improvements in their care, including the daily delivery of a nutritious and diverse diet, constant access to fresh water, additional birth control and the development of a highly-qualified, paid care team responsible for the daily operations of our work in Liberia. We’ve also been able to acquire much needed equipment, including a boat and motor to deliver food to the chimpanzees.
Fortunately, the situation has moved out of the emergency phase and The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International have taken on responsibility for the lifetime care of the chimpanzees. The research organization that used the chimpanzees in research has provided approximately half of the estimated funding needed for the chimps’ lifetime care. But, we need your help to make up the difference!
These chimpanzees have been through so much—from the painful research they endured to civil wars in Liberia that resulted in the death of many of the 400+ chimpanzees used over the decades. Please donate now to help us continue providing these chimpanzees with daily care as we work to develop the high quality sanctuary they deserve!
Watch Ettie and her daughter Bean enjoy some delishious and nutritious greens together:
In the 1970’s, a U.S.-based research organization partnered with the Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research to create a laboratory for chimpanzee research and testing. After the chimpanzees were used for decades in invasive experimentation, they were retired to small islands near the laboratory in 2006.
After the research organization stopped providing financial support for the chimpanzees’ care in 2015, The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International stepped in to provide emergency funding and took on the daily care of the animals. Approximately two years later, the research organization and The HSUS agreed to essentially split the costs of providing lifetime care for the chimpanzees. The HSUS was provided with a lump sum payment and, along with HSI agreed to take on the lifetime care of the chimpanzees.
The HSUS and HSI will be working closely with the government of Liberia to provide these chimpanzees with the highest quality care and the lifetime sanctuary they deserve and we urgently need your help to fulfill our commitment. Please donate now to help!
Finally, we would like to thank the following organizations for their incredible help in ensuring these chimpanzees received the two years of emergency care that they needed:
American Anti-Vivisection Society
Arcus Foundation
ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Born Free Foundation
Born Free USA
Center for Great Apes
Chimp Haven
Chimpanzee Sanctuary NW
Fauna Foundation
FOUR PAWS International
GFAS: Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries
Humane Society International
Humane Society Liberia
Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association
IFAW: International Fund for Animal Welfare
International Primatological Society
ISPARE: International Sammy Project for Animal Rescue and Education
IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group
Jane Goodall Institute
Japan Monkey Centre
Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group
Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society
Lola Ya Bonobo
Kibale Chimpanzee Project
National Anti-Vivisection Society
New England Anti-Vivisection Society
North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance
Pan African Animal Welfare Alliance
Pan African Sanctuary Alliance
Project Primate, Inc
P-WAC: Project for Wildlife and Apes Conservation
SAGA: Support for African/Asian Great Apes
SCNL: Society for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia
The Fund for Animals
The Humane Society of the United States
Wild Chimpanzee Foundation