Library Books and Computers for School
Donation protected

Ahora Beuru Primary School in Oro Province, Papua New Guinea is a pre-independent school established in 1907 by the Anglican Church and the colonial administration, as a missionary training ground until it expanded and took up early educational studies. It is located 45 kilometers north of Popondetta Township and is accessible by an hour of truck. The school currently is 103 years and services traditional Oro Kaiva villages of Ahora, Beuru, Darata, Irigi, Horau and Huhuru. These six villages have 6 elementary feeder schools. The total estimated population of the community this school serves is approximately 7500.
The school was upgraded Top-up Primary status in 2010 with the first intake of grade sevens. Current enrollment of Ahora Beuru Primary School is 401 comprising 250 male and 151 female students.
The existing infrastructure was jointly put up by the Sohe District Development Scheme and the Parents and Citizens (P&C) since then and has been thus far, being maintained and up kept by the little finances the school is able to proceed from over the years.
Other than the yearly governmental subsidies, there has never been any assistance for infrastructure and school books and computers from the National, Provincial and Local Level Governments over the years to this present time.
The current lack of and very poor status of infrastructure in the school demonstrates the inabilities and capabilities, lack of pride and attention, and somewhat gross negligence by all concerned including leaders in the three levels of government, those in the bureaucracy and the very members of the community.
Consequently, the magnitude of the very poor state of infrastructure, water supply, sanitation facilities and power lighting and electrification systems, including the poor teaching materials and computers, contributed very much and resulted in the low teacher moral and unsatisfying academic standards and achievements.
Currently, these 6 villages are raising funds to build a new library for the school. Therefore, through this Gofundme donation, books and computers will be bought for this new library. This will inspire a new dawn and era that will reverse the current trend of low and frustrating academic standards and achievement in the years ahead at Ahora Beuru Primary School.
Gibson Gala