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Library for a high school heritage Spanish class

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¡Hola a todos! My name is Julie and I am a high school Spanish teacher. For the first time, I will be teaching a heritage Spanish class, meaning my students grow up speaking some Spanish with their families but are taking their first ever Spanish language class. A key component to building their fluency, confidence, and vocabulary is reading. I plan to have students read for at least 10 minutes every day - a book of their choice that interests them. We have no school budget to support creating a class library, so that's where you come in. Every $1, $10, or $100 you can give will take us a huge step forward to building a library that students can't wait to get their hands on.

My school, West Campus High School, is the top performing public school in Sacramento. It is also a Title I (low income) school with a very diverse student body. These are kids who work hard and play hard, who make huge plans for their future to move their families forward. By selecting books that affirm their cultural backgrounds, take them to faraway galaxies, and teach them new things about the world, you're supporting their academic futures and teaching them how wonderful reading can be.

I will purchase books as soon as funds arrive - my goal is to have at least one book per student (35) by the end of September. Books are coming from Amazon, TPRS Books, Penguin Random House, and other sources, and I will be purchasing the least expensive version.

Here are some of the titles I am purchasing for our library (I can certainly provide the full list if requested). I plan to purchase over 50 books, with the goal that every student reads at least one book.

  • Becoming. Mi historia adaptada para jóvenes, Michelle Obama
  • Yo no soy tu perfecta hija mexicana, Erika L Sanchez
  • Nos llamaron Enemigo, George Takei
  • Chicos típicamente americanos, Jason Reynolds
  • Nacer Bailando, Alma Flor Ada
  • Sonia Sotomayor: La juez que creció en el Bronx
  • En el país que amamos, Diane Guerrero
  • GOOL El sueño se inicia, Robert Rigby
  • Cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes.: 100 mujeres migrantes que cambiaron el mundo
  • Lionel Messi: El libro definitivo para los fans

Thank you very much for your consideration.


Julie Tarman
West Sacramento, CA

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