My dear Family, dreams shattered, I’m so sorry
Donation protected
Bali to Adelaide and guess who was flying out? We crossed paths totally unexpectedly, the famous brothers Grimm
Now at The RAH Adelaide
it’s certainly a weight shifting off my shoulders
thanks to everyone who helped get this far
I’m in good hands with out your encouragement and donations it’s be a different story
thank you still a long way to go

I had some not good news today I’m on a plane to Australia
looks like it’s the only way to treat this condition, shattering news for me I’ll miss my beautiful dear loving care of family, I’m actually distraught
pllease remember to share the story and often more than ever need support
just share it with your friends who you can ask to share ,
bid my luck thank. Thank you for your kindness and encouragement and support
wishes of lI Poor choice, I made a mistake, ultimately paid, full responsibility I take, no sympathy please, it was silly it was dumb I don’t need to be reminded, agreed, and learn and share my tragic life changing lesson, if only one person’s choice is changed, it won’t have been in vain, if it alters just one outcome my sacrifice has saved, you don’t get a second chance with this, my life will never be the same, I dream to hold my kids in my arms again, there’s a chance that may happen, if you learn and share and see value then great ! I’m the lesson, to help us to get operational, it’s a long slow journey from here, what really made the biggest dent for me is, I promised my son my best mate, Henry the 8th I’d teach him how to E Foil weeks before, and he’s frothing more each day, getting ready life vests by the door, charging batteries, next day watching video tutorials, a huge build up for his lesson, next day a pile of gear he’s ready explaining how he’s ready, he and I are so excited for his second lesson New Year’s Day . Then BOOM OUT,
He walked into my room hospital critical care, he took one look then asked “ dad we’re still going Foiling Right?” he didn’t see the state I was in or understand. That was the hardest most painful thing to say Not today mate, Dad took a risk last night that he didn’t understand I’m sorry I was so silly consider myself to be one of the luckiest people on the planet, only through good luck and good help good Samaritans am I here today with a chance most never got, to save what I’ve got left of my hands to hold. My kids again, is a dream, a vision a dream and almost in reach and a grasp of reality, your help, kindness caring straight and true , incredibly well appreciated donations from unknown soldiers fighting in trenches for me. You support, even small is bigger than you believe it’s unbelievably overwhelming, kindness shining through dark times thank you you’re the best I don’t know what I would do without the help the kindness, gratitude, humbleness, and and and ill always be indebted to those who held the light for me who lead the path to a second chance. How much luck I’ve struck indebted forever to you all and all your help you’ve given me new hope faith in the human race, hospital today to determine next phase, depending upon improvement of muscle made, from exercise painfully necessary, looking like something a butcher’s dog dropped and that’s a huge improvement, infection at bay tje only way to move forward, 6 more months of this im being told may be required to get back in foiling in the water
o cannot express how grateful I am or how humbled ive been
no words come close
overwhelmingly awed by your generosity
thak you close we are to the next surgery maybe next week will go and have a look and a few more surgeries after that with your help and a little luck will get there in the end. I have faith again I’m luckiest man, alive without you I have no hope , thank you again

You ve made this little Ray of lights shine

I’m Hayley, I’m 5, that’s my dad,
He can’t write this for you because he was severely injured by a fireworks explosion on NYE in Bali, almost loosing his hands.
Dad. Nick Gilbert, and Triana worlds most tranquil wife, kids, Henry the 8th And Hayley Lewis (HayleyKopter) We are Fliteschool Bali a Fliteboard E foil experience partner. We instruct and mentor, we you how to fly over the ocean
New Year’s Eve? Kelan beach Bali , 3am, lighting the last fireworks I held it low away from my face, several shots successfully performed the final exploded in the tube, the force was immense, shattering and splitting both my hands one straight through,bones and tendons shreds dangling unrecognisable it looked far from salvageable,heavily bleeding a mess, things important seconds earlier. Are now not. Survival is Critical path time constraints and adequate stemming blood loss, shock. Good Samaritans acted quickly.
From beach to nearby hospital,
Thank you my saviours for that single point success.
Now for a few more miracle
now I’ve been informed our families 10year private BUPA health insurance policy, sold as International insurance. IS Not covering us,
A Most Humbling Experience is having to ask others to please help, I’ve not been in this situation before. Reliant on the generosity of friends and those unknown with whom this rings true by placing everything in the consciousness and goodwill
Rest assured, if you’re ever in need I’ll do whatever’s needed indeed, I have lost the ability to work in the business until I’m deemed capable, it’s sounds like 6!month’s minimum,.
kid’s school fees and annual rental for home is due this month. We have the clients and not the ability to meet needs or expectations, so we’re directing them to our competitor not ideal
we may need to sell our car short term to get timeline surgery
Cost Run
All procedures paid require full payment in Advance !
No try before you buy,
Operating procedures x 4 approximately @ $10k per procedure Total. $40k
(Not including post op checks dressing changes Pharmaceuticals
Antibiotics, ant inflammatory pain Mgmt, etc)
Which currently average at $100/day for 6 weeks possibly more depending on rate of mend
I’m hoping less
There’s may be a chance of completing 2 separate procedures Re laminating palm and at a single
shortcuts are higher risk exposure, nothing quality is ever low cost.
Each new operation planned of 3 or 4 procedures average out around $10k each, direct cost only, 3 x that indirect cost. Bali Beautiful, tropical and pathogen friendly atmosphere, today’s plan is hygiene, aiming to prevent Infection, and keep what’s left intact of both hands, with some good luck and better Mgmt we’re optimistic, that we save both hands. It’s a long slippery slope.
I’m so happy we wound up getting it right with the first Hospital we went to.good luck not good Mgmt!
I am so in awe of this incredibly talented, gifted, young
Understanding Dr dr. Stedi A. Chr, Sp.OT from
Rumah sakit Murni Teguh
Whom Without we would have stood little chance of successfully keeping anything below the wrists.
Dr Magic! Thank you from the bottom of our heart’s for your faith support and holistic empathetic approach, and valued direction and recommendations. You are a true gentleman and a pure genius.
All going well after another 6 months I’m hoping I can wave hello and wipe my own bot
He can’t even wipe his bot, bot.
My dad’s a bit dim at times,
and on New Year’s Eve, being silly playing with fireworks,
Everything started with the fun.
1 second later the world suddenly stopped being fun,
Dad thinks he’s lucky that he still has a hand.
He can’t even wipe his own bott, bott.
If everything goes right he should be able to wipe it again himself one day,
I’m a bit skeptic all We just discovered that our 5star health insurance is not available in Bali
And we can’t do anything about it except looking after our selves, and the Dr is really nice and thinks he’s going really well. Lots more to come
Everything is good and words help encourage him stay calm and keep him safe on the new life, thank you for any help
Please if you can, a,little is a lot to us
Hayley Lewis Gilbert
Oh it’s Mums birthday today too,
happy birthday beautiful Mum we adore you
From Bliss to Piss Real quick
please take my strong advice and remember to always think twice, think twice
it may save your life!

my mamma always told me “Be careful what you do”
Damage report UPDATE No1: here we are on the 10th day after this shit happens and lots of pain however we’re on the road and we’re in the right direction. We are far from out of the woods, but we have all the necessary componentry in reasonable order to be able to keep all the digits, but not the length they’re bit shorter obviously, oh yeah I’m gonna be another six months before I can wipe my butt butt but I am very positive. Firstly’thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your kind generous donations and support. It really means a lot!! without that we would not be here today in the condition we are in and the optimistic view that we have. Only with you’re support, you have made this possible, your incredible support is driving everything forward to make it possible. I could not do half of this without your true unflinching dedication, we’re nowhere near the end of the road yet, but we’re certainly going in the right direction,
it, but we certainly work working in the right direction
I am the most lucky person alive.
to you have all the pieces of the puzzle that work and potentially if nothing goes wrong we are in. I will have fingers at the end of it on both hands , thank you again update soon
To The Good Samaritans First responders, all tje blood donors and offers of blood so urgent and necessary, who not only saved my life! Yet continue to help , all the most generous Donations, encouraging words and wide words, im truly in awe of the level of support being offered it’s truly astonishing, humbling and grounding .
Only with you and your kind help could we have the opportunity to move forward with further medical procedures
which will be determine based on recovery time and strength of the previous procedure,
2 weeks ago I couldn’t envisage surving the night from blood loss,
that I am here is truly amazing
that I am here with most of my hand B intact with viable critical systems vascular, repairable tendons and wired smashed bones,
is miraculous and Devine by anyone’s measure
profoundly affected by interventional universal alignment
a second chance
i will never be able to show my full appreciation to souls who give all I’m the face of adversity is where they find strength
thank you so much for your generous profound epiphanies and a journey beginning with a new look on life

Nicholas Gilbert
Haymarket, NSW