T.Js ~ Wish ~ 2 ~ walk
We are organising this fundraiser for our colleague at work who is a brilliant part of our team and besides this, she is one of the strongest mums in the world. Claire's and Jay's little miracle baby princess, T. J. was born on the 7th of October 2020 at 2.42 am. Their story began when Claire went on her big scan at 30 weeks, which should have been taken at 24 - 26 weeks, it was an error in the hospital's system. Claire was told on that day terrible news, which she and her partner will never forget, that the baby is badly deformed, will have no quality of life because her brain was badly swollen, and they could not see the spine. She was told that her best option would be to go to England to abort her precious baby. however, with all this, Claire decided not to give up on her baby and continued her pregnancy, hoping that everything will be OK. It was a very hard, stressful, and dramatic time for the couple, but they just carried on and prayed for their little angel's survival.
The doctors had said that she will live only a few hours. The couple was planning the baby's funeral. And then the miracle happened, and T. J. is with us and trying her very best to have a good quality of life. She was born with severe spinal bifida meningocele. Hospital reports are available on her Facebook page too. Doctors informed the parents she won’t be able to even move her legs but now she can swing them around however to improve and be able to walk T. J. requires the best quality of physiotherapy to have the best possible quality of life. Unfortunately, here in Ireland, these types of treatments are maybe 10-20 years behind. The parents have looked for treatments abroad, which they have found in Hungary and the USA. The treatment and all the special equipment for her costs about 40k euro so this is what we are aiming for. Our team has agreed that any tips we are receiving will be all going towards her treatment. We would like to ask anyone and everyone who can help in any way that's possible. It would be much appreciated, and we could save and create the best possible life for a little angel as she is holding into life
Organizer and beneficiary