Life for Lumar!
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Lumar Jalil is a sweet, spunky, 10 year old girl who was born in Iraq. When Lumar was a toddler, her family came to the United States so that her father could go to college, under an agreement that they would return to their country after he graduated. While in the United States Lumar was diagnosed with a very rare condition called Morquio disease, which shortens her life expectancy dramatically. Morquio disease is estimated to occur in only one of every 200,000 births and requires intensive medical treatments provided by multiple pediatric specialists. The required treatments are rigorous, including the need to travel to DE and IL to see specialists familiar with the disease, 8 surgeries so far, and three medical appointments per week including regular infusions. Despite all of this, Lumar continues to persevere and enjoy life. Like many little girls, she loves crafting, her family, and school. The Iraqi government paid for Lumar’s father to attend school in the United States. Lumar’s father will graduate with a PhD in economics in next few weeks and now the entire family of five has to return to Iraq at the end of May as agreed prior to Lumar’s diagnosis. Treatment for Morquio disease is not available in Iraq. Without access to her lifesaving medication, for which she receives an infusion once weekly, and electricity needed to run her breathing machine, Lumar will not survive. Under the contract with the Iraqi government, Lumar's family must reimburse the government if he does not return to Iraq this month. Lumar's family needs to raise $300,000 by the end of May to pay off the Iraqi government and remain in the U.S. The family are legal residents in the USA. Businesses and organizations, please consider offering a dollar-for-dollar match for the GoFundMe page. All caring individuals, please help Lumar continue to receive the care that she needs so that she has the chance to grow up.
If you need further information or have any questions, please email us on [email redacted] or call at [phone redacted].
If you need further information or have any questions, please email us on [email redacted] or call at [phone redacted].
Erfan Kareem
Kalamazoo, MI
Lemkin House, Inc.