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Help us change students lives!

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Hello, my name is Lindsay Judd.  I am Head Coach at L.I.F.T. Learning, where we help students overcome barriers in their learning, including lack of confidence, behavioural issues and particular learning styles.  Over the past five years we have had a consistent record of fostering personal growth and academic success with our students.  Here is some of the feedback from our students and parents –

"L.I.F.T. Learning fosters our children's educational learning and enhances study habits in a fun and long lasting manner. Real strategies that are not taught in school. Our children look forward to their sessions. Thank you Lindsay!"  Ginger K (parent).

"I liked working with Lindsay because she understood me and was always open to questions. She made learning fun and I looked forward to seeing her each week. We worked on reading, writing, comprehension and other skills like organization. I liked that I had ONE-ON-ONE attention. Working with Lindsay has helped me feel better about myself."  Stacy (student).

"We have loved our experience with L.I.F.T. Learning! My daughter enjoys her time with Lindsay. Her teacher has noticed a difference and this is due to L.I.F.T. Learning."  Torrie S (parent).

"L.I.F.T. taught me about friendship and how to use new social skills to make friends and succeed in life. I am not the person I was."  Zack (student)

For more student and parent feedback check out our website at www.liftlearning.ca

Today, we need your help to expand our reach to students who struggle.  Our immediate goal is $10,000 to help spread our message through social media and to initiate a scholarship fund for students who might not otherwise get the help that they need.  

If you’re not familiar with how students struggle, then imagine a small tree. It lives at a farm with other trees.  They all look the same.  The farmer waters everyone the same and has planted all of his trees where each one receives the same level of sunlight.

As the tree grows, it begins to notice that the other trees seem to grow bigger and stronger. The little tree wonders what’s wrong with it? How come its different? Aren’t all the trees the same? The farmer notices it’s not maturing the same as the other trees. So, he gives it more water, tries moving it around and even gives it extra light – but still no change. And soon the little tree starts to doubt whether it will ever grow.

During the new planting season the farmer hires some new staff, hoping to find some new ideas.  The new staff try all sorts of schemes and the little tree tried a little each time.  Still nothing seemed to last.  No one seemed to know how to help.  The little tree started to believe there was something wrong with it and gave up.

Then one day a neighbour farmer noticed the little tree and offered to look after it.  As he moved the tree he noticed that the roots were very small.  And as the little tree arrived at its new farm, it sees that all of the trees are planted in glass boxes so that the farmer can see their roots.  Aha!  This farmer understands that in order to fully mature, a tree needs care from the roots on up and some trees need special attention to the roots.

The farmer does a series of tests and then gets to work. Days...weeks pass, the tree is feeling a little different, and just a little bit hopeful. It begins to see that all of the trees are growing at different rates. Pretty soon it starts to feel more confident and positive than ever.  It starts growing again.


L.I.F.T. Learning needs your support in order to continue transforming students from the root up! Any and all support is appreciated.

Visit our website for more information  www.liftlearning.ca

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Facebook www.facebook.com/LiftLearning/
Twitter https://twitter.com/LiftLearning
Instagram www.instagram.com/lift_learning/



  • Sheri Coutts
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Lindsay Judd
Calgary, AB

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