Light at the end of the tunnel - heart of L.A.
This Gofundme campaign has been created on behalf of an art installation at the 3rd Street Tunnel by an independent woman artist as a gift to the people of Los Angeles
With all the darkness we are collectively facing as a society in the midst of a pandemic, a civil rights movement, and a seemingly endless slew of devastating current events, now more than ever our city needs light, love, unity, solidarity, and hope.
This “light at the end of the tunnel: heart of Los Angeles” neon art installation is designed to bring those needs to
light by literally lighting the end of our 3rd street tunnel with a giant heart and neon rainbow.
The message behind the art is that no matter how dark things get the heart of city will always shine brighter. The piece is intended to inspire the imaginations of children who travel through, offer a happy detour on the ride home after a bad day, but most importantly give our city and the world the glowing message of hope and love that we so
desperately need right now.
This is an artist initiated project. And though we have a grant from district 14 and backing from the city, funds are
still needed realize this rainbow.
I am the creator of this art, a native to this city, an independent female artist, I have donated every minute of my time over the last five months in the process of working with the city to create this work. My producer and architect have worked pro bono as well. While I am happy to donate as much of my time and art as needed to give the city this gift of light I am unable to financially back the remainder of the needed budget myself and this is where all of you come in
I humbly ask you to donate whatever you can. I know collectively our city of angels will come together to make this
piece happen and give our city a new beautiful symbol of love and hope.
thank you ❤️⚡️
Tory DiPietro