Light Line suicide prayer prevention hotline
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Blessings and Love to you all, my name is Gabrielle Fulse. I am raising funds for my organization, Purposefully Broken, to help with the immediate launch of our Prayer Suicide Prevention Hotline.
The darkness of the world is at an all-consuming high, Who will save us?
Crys for help, mimic laughter and cheer. The strong have become the weak; souls are suffering. We have become casualties of our pain, death is near.
The world, nor anything in it, can soothe an aching soul; only Light can overcome darkness.
On February 25, 2022, at 11:13 pm I received a phone call that my brother, Anthony Maurice Essex jr., had passed. While we don't truly know what transpired in those final moments, all we have to ponder on are the messages he left and the tragedy that ensued shortly after. That week prior, my brother made two phone calls...both went unanswered. I can only imagine how a word from the Holy Spirit, a comfort from our heavenly father, could have changed the trajectory of his life. I can only testify to the strength and encouragement that I have received, through prayer since his passing. In a moment where we don't have the words, Prayer prevails!
Light Line aims to console your weary heart through prayer. Our volunteers are not only certified in suicide prevention but are soul-serving believers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They are living, breathing, survivors of some of life's hardest battles and they attribute these victories solely
to their prayer and faith in God.
for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.
Ephesians 5:8
As a community, we believe that the overcoming of our lived life traumas and experiences comprised with the capacity of our faith and anointing from God, qualify us as certifiable prayer warriors waiting to ever so humbly shed a word of light and love on those in darkness. We are here to help you navigate the valleys under the direction and guidance of the most beautiful and loving God. We want to assure you of his love and purpose for your life and encourage you in steadfastness...Without judgment, nor shame, not hate or anger, We want to encourage you to live.
For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:13
Thank you in advance for your contribution, God bless you.
Gabrielle Fulse
Phoenix, AZ
Purposefully Broken