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Lighting In Action

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“Lighting in Action”

Independent Travel Study Proposal

A diverse group of MFA Lighting Design students are planning for a travel study to Puerto Rico January 15th-19th, 2018, to study the role of electric lighting in a state of emergency in a tropical post-hurricane environment. Our intent is to understand the conditions and challenges of electric lighting in disaster relief. We will be conducting interviews to understand the social impact of the lack of electric lighting in conjunction with analytical research on existing lighting condition in regards to IES recommended practice. While in Puerto Rico, we will meet with architectural professors, hospital administrators and researchers, as well as local residents. Our hope is to form a relationship with them to exchange knowledge and ideas between New York City and Puerto Rico with future collaboration in mind. We are looking for your financial support to make this initiative come true. It is time to start “Lighting in Action.”

We are looking for you to help us make our study into reality.

For more information check out our website
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  • Anonyme
    • $100
    • 6 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Shane Rustle Moan
New York, NY
Lighting In Action

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