Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Linda Reed Medical Fund

Donazione protetta
Those of you that know, are near and dear friends, or family members of Linda Reed, you all are aware that she was diagnosed with uterine cancer back a few months ago and is now undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

For her to get these treatments, she and her husband Lee Reed have to make the trek to Traverse City and back every weekday and this adds up rather heavily on the pocketbook as fuel usage is up along with wear and tear on their vehicle as well.

A benefit dinner has been coordinated and set up for Sunday, May 21st from 4-7pm in Frankfort, Michigan at the Hotel Frankfort 231 Main Street to help raise funds, but for those who can not attend and still would like to donate for this cause, please feel free to donate through this channel.

Linda is a "friend to all foe to none", and is a valued wife, mother, mother-in-law, great grandmother, grandmother, aunt, cousin, etc. and is a very strong woman that will get through this hardship, but helping hands and hearts will strengthen her through this battle!

Your support is tremendously appreciated, thank you and God Bless!

With Love,

Linda's Family


  • David @ Becca Price
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Zack Lapp
Hemlock, MI

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