Linda Lloyd's Medical Trust Fund
On May 29th my friend Linda Lloyd was at her friend's house in the backyard and they were looking for computer parts.
They both walked out the door toward the garage. As they did so, "J"'s pit bull ran over to Linda and started sniffing her crotch.
Linda got disturbed and told "J." Then the pit bull proceeded to lick her crotch and bite her.
Linda yelled to "J" that the dog now was biting her crotch and then yelled out that the dog bit her leg, putting a hole in it, causing Linda to fall to the ground.
The attack ensued for approximately 30 minutes. During the attack, 911 and the police were called.
By the time they arrived the dog had eaten Linda's ear, taken off half of her scalp and created lacerations all over her body.
Many of the wounds went down to her bone.
Linda was immediately rushed to John C. Lincoln hospital. The dog was put down immediately.
Linda is going to need a new ear and numerous procedures will have to be done.
On this road to recovery she'll have to deal with emotional and psychological trauma.
Linda lives on a very meager income and would be grateful if she could receive contributions to take care of the medical expenses that are building up.