Help for Lisa Fenn
Donation protected
Hi My Name is MJ (Margaret for close Friends)I don't know where to start to be fair.... So many horrible diseases are affected Good people everywhere even close Friends and Family members around Me.... One of them is Lisa with big gold heart who got diagnosed with breast cancer in June and found out the mass was so big that she needed a mastectomy.
September 24th she had a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery and had lymph nodes removed to see if the cancer had spread. Oct 21st the news were bad as there was cancer in her lymph nodes…Bless her... She now got to wait for her appointment with oncology to find out what are next steps. So more stress.
On top of that back in April she was admitted to hospital with a Tubo-ovarian abscess, which needed surgery but due to a severe infection they couldn’t do anything till that was cleared… Lisa was due a follow up appointment with the consultant in August which never happened as they missed putting her on the appointment waiting list.. Fast forward today, she is back in hospital with another tubo-ovarian abscess and infection… Now on IV antibiotics every 3hrs for 24hrs then they are going to reassess her and see what treatment may be need. Everyone who know Lisa won't even think twice to send any penny to help with everything she May need. John who is her strong hero need to look after her, kids, home and doing for all of us Amazing tattoos. Bless him. They never asked for help but I tought doing this page will help them a bit. All of u got beautiful hearts so any little help will be appreciated.Remember not only money are helping someone with cancer but also kind words, hug or just to be near. I know Lisa is strong Woman and she will beat this !! Sending u guy strength and love. Thank you in advance everyone.
Malgorzata Ferfet