little Logan medical fund.
Hey, I’m hoping to help this family out, medical bills are piling up and that’s not what I’d want to have to think about while my baby is going through all of this. Remmie has gone to school with Logan’s big bro nice kindergarten. logan is the same age as my son they are only 1 week apart. If you can please help this amazing family out. Here is his story from his mom.
Logan’s Story
Logan’s journey has been a rough from day one he entered this world at only 27 weeks weighing 3lbs5oz. He spent 62 days in the NICU before he was able to join his 3 older brothers and parents at home. After just 2 short months at home he was re admitted to the NICU at Children’s Hospital do to bronchiolitis. He spent 10 days in hospital struggling to breath before being released on Christmas morning. He was home with his family for a little over a month before being re admitted to the PICU at Children’s Hospital were he is currently in Acute Respiratory failure fighting off Pneumonia, RSV and Adenovirus. he is getting antibiotics to fight the pneumonia and steroids to try and strengthen his lungs. He is currently receiving more breathing support than ever before. His immature lungs just aren’t strong enough. Little man is sleeping 20+hours a day because his little body is using every oz of energy he has just to breath an fight these viruses off. The doctors say we will be here awhile not sure that that means because honestly they don’t know either. We do know after leaving the PICU he will have to go the the Pulmonary floor for awhile for close observation. After which he will need to be seen by a Pulmonary specialist regularly.