Little Ruby’s Dream Holiday
I have been asked to set up this page to help Ruby get her dream holiday to Florida; to see all the wonderful things over there and for Ruby to see the Doctors and Nurses who saved her life. Ruby has been to hell and back over and over again. Please read a small section of her horrendous journey.
Ruby, now 11 years old, was first diagnosed in September 2010 with a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma in her oesophagus when she was just 14 months old. She had lots of operations, 9 cycles of chemotherapy and 28 sessions of proton beam therapy in Jacksonville, Florida. Ruby got the all clear in May 2011 and was in remission . All was well until December 2019 when Ruby herself found a lump on her sternum. Scans and biopsies revealed our worst nightmare - cancer again . Ruby had a massive 7 and a half hour operation in January 2020 to remove the cancer, but also had to have three quarters of her sternum removed as well as some cartilage and parts of her ribs. Ruby had Vacuum Suction Therapy for 8 months (a tube stuck to her chest and connected to a bag which she had to carry around with her 24/7). She had to go to theatre and have a general anaesthetic every single week, sometimes twice a week, to have the tubes changed. Ruby is still recovering, 9 months after the operation. Her wound hasn’t yet healed and we have to change her dressings daily. The wound is leaking a lot of fluid so Ruby is again having a general anaesthetic on 21st October for her surgeon to be able to do a thorough examination and see what the next steps are.
Thank you so much for reading Ruby’s journey. If you can help make Ruby's dream holiday come true in any way at all it will be appreciated so much. Even if you can't donate yourself, please share this page for Ruby.
Ruby has wrote and recorded her own song “The Best is Yet to Come” by Ruby T. Keep your ears peeled