Live everyday like it’s your last
Donation protected
Hello everyone. As you many of you already know I’ve been diagnosed with an incurable form of brain cancer. I wish I had some good news about my current situation. But sadly I don’t. What I need to do now is to be near the people I love, be happy and make the most of what I have left. In order to do so I decided to rent a small space in Ky part time so I can be with my family and loved ones. I will be splitting my time between Ky and San Francisco. Thankfully I have good medical insurance and an amazing team of doctors in San Francisco that are monitoring my health. However, In doing so it has put a major strain on my finances between a lease, deposits, flights and all of the other things that come along with starting another life in a new location. I’m not in the best of positions to work like I normally do at the moment. But I have plenty of content to upload to my onlyfans for the next couple months. And I’ll be back on track with filming vids in the near future once I’m in a better head space. Having to deal with what I’m going through isn’t exactly easy. Having to face the reality of what’s to come is honestly terrifying. What I’m asking for is help with all the expenses that quickly add up in order to make this transition as easy as possible. I don’t need to stress or worry anymore. I need to get happy, smile and be the silly fun loving Jessie Colter I always have been. Life really is short and you really do need to make everyday count. So that’s exactly what I’m doing. With a little help from you all I’ll be able to find peace, happiness and live out my life much easier. I will keep you all updated on my health on Twitter as well as when I upload new content to my onlyfans. Which will be weekly from here on out. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you can help please do. If not no worries. Thanks again for being supportive of me and my career all of these years. I love you all and I mean that from the bottom of my heart❤️
Jessie Ashby
San Francisco, CA