Donation protected
On January 5, 2008, my nephew Phillip Spruill Jr. came into this crazy world completely blue with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice. The doctors quickly removed the cord from Lil Phil’s neck and with a little stimulation, oxygen, and much prayer, Lil Phil got his color back and was breathing. We began to celebrate this 8lb 14oz MIRACLE but on April 5, 2019, exactly 11 years and 3 months later, my sister found her baby the exact same way: blue with a belt wrapped around his neck twice but THIS time there is no happy ending, no celebration! Her now 11 year old 179lb baby who was CONSTANTLY called FAT and teased for his size and weight decided that he wanted nothing else to do with this crazy world he was birthed into. The Screams of my sister is a sound that will live with me FOREVER‼️
The proceeds from this fund will help with funeral arrangements and the relocation expenses for the Spruill Family as they have decided not to return to their home and face that nightmare over and over again.
Please talk to your children on the seriousness and the severity of BULLYING and the effects it has on other people. #STOPTHEBULLYING #NoBulliesForPhil
We sincerely thank you.
The proceeds from this fund will help with funeral arrangements and the relocation expenses for the Spruill Family as they have decided not to return to their home and face that nightmare over and over again.
Please talk to your children on the seriousness and the severity of BULLYING and the effects it has on other people. #STOPTHEBULLYING #NoBulliesForPhil
We sincerely thank you.
Fundraising team: Family of Phillip Spruill Jr (3)
Ashley Cadet
Philadelphia, PA
Clarissa BeyutifullyMade Isaac
Tony Smith
Team member