Get Liv walking again!
"On 21st August I went to bed like any other night, little did I know by the next morning my life would have changed forever.
I woke up at 3am with pain in my back, over the next hour this pain got worse and I started to feel pins and needles in my legs so I had to call an ambulance, to cut a long story short this turned out to be a spontaneous bleed which had formed a haematoma on my spine and was restricting my spinal chord, at 9pm on 22nd August I had emergency surgery which removed the haematoma but unfortunately I have been left paraplegic as a result of my spinal cord injury.
I am now approaching the 5 week mark in my hospital stay at Queens Medical Centre where I have met the most amazing set of nurses and staff members, and am now awaiting a space at a specialist rehab centre for spinal injuries at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. I do not know what my outcome will be but I have to be positive every day and hope that slowly I will begin to regain my feeling and movement!" - Liv,24/9/19
Olivia has been my best friend for almost 20 years and just six weeks ago our worlds were turned upside down. She has been so brave and positive this whole time and we're all so proud of her but I am so missing her and the simple things like going out for dinner or watching a film!
I am setting this page up for her to help fund the things she needs to return home (ie a wheelchair which can cost over £5000!!) and start living again as well as helping to pay any for and medical/physio bills to help her get back on her feet and walking again (we've been told physio costs £100 an hour! and this will need to continue once she's home, we really want the best for her if we can do it!). Her new home will also need adaptations to help her carry out normal daily tasks without assistance.
At just 26 years old she still has so much of her life to live and I want to make sure it's the best it can be.
Olivia has just moved to Sheffield spinal unit and the sooner she gets these funds the sooner she can get better and come home to finally move into her first home with her boyfriend and be closer to her friends and family!