Liz's Boston Marathon Run 4 EOR
Liz Duclos-Orsello has so graciously offered to run the Boston Marathon to not only acheive her personal goal but to also benefit Eyes On Refugees. We are so humbled and grateful for this offer, Liz!
Here is Liz's story on her journey to helping the world be a better place:
"It is with humility and honor that I am asking for your support as I announce that I am dedicating my 2017 Boston Marathon race to non-profits making a difference in the world in ways that speak to my deepest hopes and wishes for a just world. Eyes on Refugees is dedicated to assisting refugees who are fleeing inhumane conditions in search of a better life. They help, one family at a time.
In the last few years I have sought many ways to link my passion for global, intercultural understanding, immigrant and refugee justice, women’s empowerment and running as a way to build bridges. This year, my qualifying bib for Boston allows me to run for Eyes on Refugees. My committed goals: $1,000 for Eyes on Refugees (more would be great). There are 6 weeks till marathon Monday. I am asking that you help me spread this ask far and wide. Read on about how to donate:
Supporting Eyes on Refugees allows me to continue to fulfill the promise I made to a mother whom I met multiple times in the EKO camp on the Greece/FYROM border last spring while volunteering there. She is my age, had three teen children and she told me of the horrors in Syria that had turned her life into a nightmare – leading her to the tent in which we sat and talked and cried and shared stories together. I promised her I would tell her story an fight for a better future for her and the thousands and thousands of families like hers. "
The website is: http://www.eyesonrefugees.org/
The GO FUND ME page highlighting my run is https://www.gofundme.com/lizrunsforEOR
HOW TO MAKE A DONATION IN MY NAME: If you make a donation PLEASE BE SURE to put MY NAME (Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello and the words “BOSTON MARATHON 2017” in the COMMENT line. This will ensure that your donation will be tied to my effort.
XX Save on. Save a Generation
Here is Liz's story on her journey to helping the world be a better place:
"It is with humility and honor that I am asking for your support as I announce that I am dedicating my 2017 Boston Marathon race to non-profits making a difference in the world in ways that speak to my deepest hopes and wishes for a just world. Eyes on Refugees is dedicated to assisting refugees who are fleeing inhumane conditions in search of a better life. They help, one family at a time.
In the last few years I have sought many ways to link my passion for global, intercultural understanding, immigrant and refugee justice, women’s empowerment and running as a way to build bridges. This year, my qualifying bib for Boston allows me to run for Eyes on Refugees. My committed goals: $1,000 for Eyes on Refugees (more would be great). There are 6 weeks till marathon Monday. I am asking that you help me spread this ask far and wide. Read on about how to donate:
Supporting Eyes on Refugees allows me to continue to fulfill the promise I made to a mother whom I met multiple times in the EKO camp on the Greece/FYROM border last spring while volunteering there. She is my age, had three teen children and she told me of the horrors in Syria that had turned her life into a nightmare – leading her to the tent in which we sat and talked and cried and shared stories together. I promised her I would tell her story an fight for a better future for her and the thousands and thousands of families like hers. "
The website is: http://www.eyesonrefugees.org/
The GO FUND ME page highlighting my run is https://www.gofundme.com/lizrunsforEOR
HOW TO MAKE A DONATION IN MY NAME: If you make a donation PLEASE BE SURE to put MY NAME (Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello and the words “BOSTON MARATHON 2017” in the COMMENT line. This will ensure that your donation will be tied to my effort.
XX Save on. Save a Generation
Jennifer Silverstone
Carlisle, MA