Help Donate To Our IVF Procedure
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Hello , Welcome To Our Story .
John and I met in 2005 , dated in 2006 , engaged in 2011 and married in 2013 . In those nine years we have been through a lot . We became aunt and uncle to seven nephews and one niece , adopted two amazing dogs and bought a home .
Before John and I had gotten married , we had tried for a child . The first year was all fun and natural . The second year I seeked out for help and answers , To why we still haven't conceived a child . The Third Year was a bunch of testing from bloodwork to MRIs . Bloodwork was normal , horomones were great and hubby was all perfect . We were suggested to try Clomid ( Feritilty Drug ) for six months to help boost our chances of having a child . It didn't work , We were heartbroken . Finally our fourth year of trying to conceive our specialist couldn't suggest or figure out what else to do with us , So our specialist set us up with a Fertility Clinic In Vancouver .
We waited five months to get in to see the Fertility Doctor . We did a bunch more testing within that five months to help our visit to the Fertility Clinic , So the doctor would know more about us .
Finally April came . We were thrilled to finally get a step closer to our answer of why we haven't conceived .
After the doctor reviewed all the paper work and interviewed us .
We were told that our egg and sperm are not meeting , I was devastated . Then the doctor explained to us , With the cat scan and MRI I received it showed scar tissue around my uterus and tubes . Our doctor said the scar tissue is wrapped around my tubes , making the egg to be infertile .
We were told that the only way for us to achieve a child was to undergo a procedure called In Vitro Fertilization .
IVF is a procedure were the egg is extracted out of the women's ovary and introduced with sperm in a small dish . The semen and egg then would create a embryo . After a three to five day wait , the embryo is inserted back into the uterus . And would implant , if the egg is strong enough .
In our fertility clinic , There is a good success rate for our age group . Our age group rate is 68% . Which is pretty good . Our doctor is very positive that we will be able to achieve a child with this procedure .
Unfortunately IVF treatments are expensive and cost between $15,000 to $20,000 .
We are reaching out and asking for your help . We need funds to help with this treatment .
Please help us bring a precious new life into this world .
Thank You Very Much
John & Jamie
John and I met in 2005 , dated in 2006 , engaged in 2011 and married in 2013 . In those nine years we have been through a lot . We became aunt and uncle to seven nephews and one niece , adopted two amazing dogs and bought a home .
Before John and I had gotten married , we had tried for a child . The first year was all fun and natural . The second year I seeked out for help and answers , To why we still haven't conceived a child . The Third Year was a bunch of testing from bloodwork to MRIs . Bloodwork was normal , horomones were great and hubby was all perfect . We were suggested to try Clomid ( Feritilty Drug ) for six months to help boost our chances of having a child . It didn't work , We were heartbroken . Finally our fourth year of trying to conceive our specialist couldn't suggest or figure out what else to do with us , So our specialist set us up with a Fertility Clinic In Vancouver .
We waited five months to get in to see the Fertility Doctor . We did a bunch more testing within that five months to help our visit to the Fertility Clinic , So the doctor would know more about us .
Finally April came . We were thrilled to finally get a step closer to our answer of why we haven't conceived .
After the doctor reviewed all the paper work and interviewed us .
We were told that our egg and sperm are not meeting , I was devastated . Then the doctor explained to us , With the cat scan and MRI I received it showed scar tissue around my uterus and tubes . Our doctor said the scar tissue is wrapped around my tubes , making the egg to be infertile .
We were told that the only way for us to achieve a child was to undergo a procedure called In Vitro Fertilization .
IVF is a procedure were the egg is extracted out of the women's ovary and introduced with sperm in a small dish . The semen and egg then would create a embryo . After a three to five day wait , the embryo is inserted back into the uterus . And would implant , if the egg is strong enough .
In our fertility clinic , There is a good success rate for our age group . Our age group rate is 68% . Which is pretty good . Our doctor is very positive that we will be able to achieve a child with this procedure .
Unfortunately IVF treatments are expensive and cost between $15,000 to $20,000 .
We are reaching out and asking for your help . We need funds to help with this treatment .
Please help us bring a precious new life into this world .
Thank You Very Much
John & Jamie
Jamie Buller
Vanderhoof, BC