Local immigrant services for ICE raids in MS
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MIRA Update 8/13/2019
MIRA Update 8/23/2019, via Facebook:
MIRA is committed to providing immediate financial relief to the families who are in crisis. We’re working with churches and other community partners to set up a system so we can pay bills on behalf of victims. Housing costs (rent or mortgage), utilities, and medical are among the bills that we will cover for people affected by the raids. Donate to support these families!
Original Message: On August 7 there was a huge raid on workers at chicken processing plants in communities across MS. This will have a devastating impact on these communities.
I’ll try to include more information when I’m not on mobile but I’m starting this because I know this organization to be in the heart of this and organizing legal aid for those affected as we speak. My good friend in this organization is a RPCV and this is the best way I can think to help them at the moment. Please think of donating either to them directly or through this page. Thank you.
The stories of these families will BREAK YOUR HEART. Word has not gotten to every one affected by this event that there are people and legal resources available to help them and that is exactly what this organization is doing. They are visiting as many people as they can, hearing their stories, finding out what they need and connecting them to resources. It is VITAL that this work is done by people that are known and trusted in the community and already have ties to it.
Thank you all for your actions. Please keep caring about this. I spoke with a MIRA founder this morning and have raised the goal at their request to continue awareness. Like them on Facebook and look for their updates.
The emergency phone line is [phone redacted] for affected families. This number was set up in coordination with ACLU, MIRA and El Pueblo Biloxi.
MIRA website
MIRA Press Conference Held 8/8/19 in Jackson
Link to a Jackson Free Press Article on MIRA. This gives more info on the facility in Natchez where some of the detainees are being held.
Please visit the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance website above to learn more about the organization and to donate directly. MIRA is assisting families affect by this unnecessary tragedy with legal and social aid. They are organizing a number of responses on a community level with the systems and resources they already have in place. I encourage you to connect with them through their Facebook page and get on their update lists.
This campaign began as a small effort at fundraising for an organization I trust and know to be doing good things and where I have been donating every time I am touched by a story of what is happening to immigrant communities across the United States. Personally, Attorney Patricia Ice has been a good friend to me ever since I moved back to the Jackson metro-area after completing my PC service. As I don't have the time or resources to do as much as I would like to with the organization, I wanted to try to fund raise for them. I do not wish to compete with their online donation process, but rather capture the attention of a different audience that may not be aware of this organization and wished to help. It started with a modest (and what I considered lofty at the time) $5,000 goal and I was ecstatic when it received one other donation beside my own.
Several media outlets reported this as the "official" GoFundMe for the organization and I quickly wrote to those I saw to get it corrected. I spoke with Att. Ice on the phone the next day, and got the information of who at the organization would be connecting to the account to access funds, and it is my understanding that all they have to do is link their already existing PayPal account and verify their charity status to get the funds in monthly deposits. At this point, I hope that these funds will allow them to budget and spend the money they do have access to now more freely with the knowledge that they have a large sum coming soon.
I'm including a couple more linked articles below with ways to help in the state.
Thank you all for your attention to this, please keep sharing, donating and caring.
How to Help or Get Help in Mississippi - Clarion Ledger
How to Help Children and Families in MS - Jackson Free Press
Original Link to Article:
Clarion Ledger article
PLEASE NOTE: I am a proud supporter and volunteer with MIRA but I do not speak on their behalf. Please direct all media inquiries to MIRA. And for your donations to have a more immediate impact (as GoFundMe I believe pays out monthly) donate through their website: www.yourmira.org
More information about Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance: The Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance Works To Support Immigrants In The Free And Equitable Use Of Their Rights In Mississippi Through Public Education Organizing And Advocacy.
MIRA Update 8/23/2019, via Facebook:
MIRA is committed to providing immediate financial relief to the families who are in crisis. We’re working with churches and other community partners to set up a system so we can pay bills on behalf of victims. Housing costs (rent or mortgage), utilities, and medical are among the bills that we will cover for people affected by the raids. Donate to support these families!
Original Message: On August 7 there was a huge raid on workers at chicken processing plants in communities across MS. This will have a devastating impact on these communities.
I’ll try to include more information when I’m not on mobile but I’m starting this because I know this organization to be in the heart of this and organizing legal aid for those affected as we speak. My good friend in this organization is a RPCV and this is the best way I can think to help them at the moment. Please think of donating either to them directly or through this page. Thank you.
The stories of these families will BREAK YOUR HEART. Word has not gotten to every one affected by this event that there are people and legal resources available to help them and that is exactly what this organization is doing. They are visiting as many people as they can, hearing their stories, finding out what they need and connecting them to resources. It is VITAL that this work is done by people that are known and trusted in the community and already have ties to it.
Thank you all for your actions. Please keep caring about this. I spoke with a MIRA founder this morning and have raised the goal at their request to continue awareness. Like them on Facebook and look for their updates.
The emergency phone line is [phone redacted] for affected families. This number was set up in coordination with ACLU, MIRA and El Pueblo Biloxi.
MIRA website
MIRA Press Conference Held 8/8/19 in Jackson
Link to a Jackson Free Press Article on MIRA. This gives more info on the facility in Natchez where some of the detainees are being held.
Please visit the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance website above to learn more about the organization and to donate directly. MIRA is assisting families affect by this unnecessary tragedy with legal and social aid. They are organizing a number of responses on a community level with the systems and resources they already have in place. I encourage you to connect with them through their Facebook page and get on their update lists.
This campaign began as a small effort at fundraising for an organization I trust and know to be doing good things and where I have been donating every time I am touched by a story of what is happening to immigrant communities across the United States. Personally, Attorney Patricia Ice has been a good friend to me ever since I moved back to the Jackson metro-area after completing my PC service. As I don't have the time or resources to do as much as I would like to with the organization, I wanted to try to fund raise for them. I do not wish to compete with their online donation process, but rather capture the attention of a different audience that may not be aware of this organization and wished to help. It started with a modest (and what I considered lofty at the time) $5,000 goal and I was ecstatic when it received one other donation beside my own.
Several media outlets reported this as the "official" GoFundMe for the organization and I quickly wrote to those I saw to get it corrected. I spoke with Att. Ice on the phone the next day, and got the information of who at the organization would be connecting to the account to access funds, and it is my understanding that all they have to do is link their already existing PayPal account and verify their charity status to get the funds in monthly deposits. At this point, I hope that these funds will allow them to budget and spend the money they do have access to now more freely with the knowledge that they have a large sum coming soon.
I'm including a couple more linked articles below with ways to help in the state.
Thank you all for your attention to this, please keep sharing, donating and caring.
How to Help or Get Help in Mississippi - Clarion Ledger
How to Help Children and Families in MS - Jackson Free Press
Original Link to Article:
Clarion Ledger article
PLEASE NOTE: I am a proud supporter and volunteer with MIRA but I do not speak on their behalf. Please direct all media inquiries to MIRA. And for your donations to have a more immediate impact (as GoFundMe I believe pays out monthly) donate through their website: www.yourmira.org
More information about Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance: The Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance Works To Support Immigrants In The Free And Equitable Use Of Their Rights In Mississippi Through Public Education Organizing And Advocacy.
Fundraising team: Grupo de Apoyo de MIRA (3)
Nikki Castillo
Jackson, MS
Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance
Amy Craig
Team member
Patricia Ice
Team member