Lokmas Trailer Recovery Fund
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Our friend Mohammed Shideed owns Lokmas Mediterranean Donuts. His dream was to share his Egyptian culture with San Antonio by opening a trailer and sharing his mother’s recipe with anyone who was interested in trying. You may have seen on KENS 5 that he had his trailer stolen, thankfully a Good Samaritan saw the news segment and was able to help locate the trailer. By the time Mo was able to go inside and see the damage, everything he put his heart and soul into was destroyed and thrown around like garbage. We are so grateful he has his trailer back but if you’re a business owner you know how expensive it is to stock a functioning food truck with equipment. Together, I believe we can earn enough money to fully rebuild and restock the inside of his trailer. The goal is a big one but together we’re unstoppable! Please donate if you can. No one deserves to have their dream stolen from them.
Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter
Anonymous Donor
San Antonio, TX
Mohammed Shideed